Product Info

SwaySim offers a wide range of specialist products within advanced structural engineering and computer science. The methodology and tools have been used world wide the past two decades and have been verified in laboratory and through benchmark tests and general scientific comparisons.

SwaySim has knowledge and experience within following fields:

  • -Structural engineering
  • -Hydrodynamics
  • -Wind dynamics
  • -Aero elasticity
  • -Data base techniques
  • -Fatigue
  • -Laboratory testing
  • -Development of commercial software codes
  • -Computer graphics
  • -Development of regulation codes
  • -Development of design methodology

  • Models for Irregular sea states

    Tailor made simulation models, data handling (processing and interpreting) where standard software solutions do not fulfil requirement due to:

  • -Kind of physical problem
  • -Accuracy
  • -Data Processing

    Ultimate Strength and Fatigue calculations of complex joints and conical shells

    Aeroelasticity and non linear response on turbine blades

    Wake field due to the tower disturbance

    Ring stiffened light structures

    Stress distribution through the thickness in welded connections for different boundary conditions.